Sunday, May 23, 2010

Clean cars for everyone

Everyone got their car washed on Sunday since the weather was so beautiful. Ava loves helping wash cars but today her car was dirty so it needed washing too. Ava definitely gets this from her Daddy because I have never met anyone who loves to wash their car as much as him. His car never stays dirty for more than a few days before he has to get out and wash it. Doesn't matter if it is freezing cold or scorching hot, that car has to be clean. I washed my car too but there are no pictures of it clean. Since I got my new car I have been very good about keeping it clean. Not as much as Chris but pretty close. Of course I will go through a carwash and he would never dream of doing that to his car.

1 comment:

Alyssa Wilson said...

Oh my Gosh! She's getting so big! Considering I haven't seen her since the third grade!