Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 20 of 30

Today I am on Eric duty. Which means sitting with Eric as he gets his treatment and listening to his Ericisms all day. Today is his 20th treatment which means only 10 more to go. His last treatment will be July 2 and his bone marrow and port removal is scheduled for July 7th. So he can definitely see the light at the end of his cancer tunnel..Woo hoo!!! It has been a long road but his awesome attitude has really helped him through this difficult time. Anyways Bekah has been out of town this week so Mom and I have been taking turns bringing Eric to Northside since he has to come everyday. I have actually gotten a lot of work done and has usual Eric is pretty entertaining. Today we are watching soccer and then we are going by Georgia State to turn some stuff in for me. Eric is eating nuts and I am blogging so it is pretty crazy up here on the cancer floor. Well that is about it for day 20. I will probably bring him a few days next week so I will post then. I'm off to the McDonalds to get a Frappe.

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