I am embarrassed to say but we really didn't do a good job taking pictures at her party. I am really sad that we didn't get more pictures, but I was busy so these are the best I got. We did video tape the party, but I wish we had taken more pictures. Oh well here are some that we did get. I tried to keep he party small this year and simple.
Meme made the cake. I think she did a fabulous job considering it had been probably 20 years since she made a birthday cake. I think she has a new job for birthdays as baker.
Family shot

This is the best picture of the dress and the boots
Ava and James ( this pictures just cracks us up)
Ping and Nana
Ava and Dallas
Ava and Nicole
Ava and Uncle Barry ( this is my favorite)
Christina and Katie
Ava and Hannah saying goodbye. It was really sweet. They hugged bye then Ava whispered to Hannah " I wuves you"
1 comment:
Looks like y'all had a blast! Those bows are too cute in her hair. And I like the cake, too! :)
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