Here is Ava and Aunt Lindsey before the ear piercing. I made Lindsey hold her because I wanted to take pictures and because I was a big chicken.
This pitiful little face was when they alcohol swabbed her ears. I guess she didn't like the cold. Needless to say that wasn't the worst part. She did really well and only cried for just a little while. They gave her a sucker and amazingly she dried right up and was happy as can be. Now she loves suckers.
Oh yeah she wasn't happy!! But it was worth it and her ears look super cute. She now has little tiny diamond earrings and they look great!!
Here is Ava Sunday morning eating breakfast with her Ping!!! This highchair is really pretty but Ava does not sit well in it yet. I had to keep sitting her back up.
Sorry the post have been slow. It was a slow uneventful week.
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