Friday, August 1, 2008

Ava's 1st week with the sitter

I went back to work this week for preplanning and Ava started with her new sitter Ms. Linda. Her week went pretty good. Chris was able to pick her up early most days so she wasn't there too long. It was an adjustment for her getting up early and she was pretty crabby in the afternoons. I think she is going to like staying there and there are several other kids that she really finds interesting. It was really hard leaving her and going back to work, but I know it is best for her and she really likes it there.


Anonymous said...

hey girl! little ava is sooo precious! chris is really good with the camera isn't he? i hope preplanning has gone good...i can't believe summer is over! it went by really fast for us! i miss y'all...i am glad we get to keep in touch through blogging though! tell christina i said hey...and keep posting! i love her pics!

kristy d.

Anonymous said...

Is Ms. Linda great, or what? We miss her soooooo much! Best wishes this school year!
Danielle C.