Friday, March 26, 2010

Chris at work

Chris has always really loved his job and now I understand why. Here is some video that he and his helper shot while they were waiting at a stop.
It is on youtube and hopefully will make us rich and famous. Okay probably not but it is pretty funny.

Monday, March 15, 2010

5K for Atlanta Food Bank

Sunday I was peer pressured into doing a k5. My plan was to train for it and really be ready. Well with school, work, Ava, and Eric getting sick my training pretty much went down the tube. I think I ran twice on the treadmill in the 6 weeks leading up to the race. That being said I was really nervous and dreading the run. I really wanted to back out but decided I would try my best to run. I wasn't sure how I would do since I gave platelets the day before, but I made it through the whole race. It was freezing cold but I finished in 37:12. The best I had ever done on my treadmill was 42 minutes so I was really excited. Thank goodness for my Assistant Principal Denise. She was my running buddy through the whole race and we really kept each other going. I am doing another race in May for sure so hopefully if I can practice a little more I will be able to run the entire thing without walking. We will see.

Christina showing off her racing number
Stretching it out. We are now serious runners

Denise and I playing a game before the race
In the car before the race because it was so cold

Natalie, Denise, me, Angela, and Christina before the race
After the race. I think we look pretty good considering we just ran and I felt like I was going to puke or die. Thank goodness I didn't do either.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Eric and platelets

Just wanted to update everyone on Eric. He is doing awesome!! All the treatments are working great and he is well on his way to recovery. If you want to keep up with him daily check out his website Today Lindsey and I donated platelets at Northside to go to Eric. Pretty cool knowing that he will be getting our platelets. The process takes about 2 hours, but overall isn't too bad and you get a pretty cool tshirt.

The Equipment
The monitor
Lindsey and I hooked up and donating

Almost done after 84 minutes

Lindsey and Eric with the blanket she made him in Steeler colors

Eric and Chris

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Prayer Request

This picture was Saturday night which was when his nose started bleeding

Eric went to the doctor Tuesday with a nosebleed only to find out he has Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. He was admitted Tueday night to Northside Hospital and will be there for the next 30 days or so. They have narrowed his AML down to a spefic type callled APL (Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia). He has started taking a drug for the next few days for this type of leukemia that acts fast to fight it and will start chemo in the next few days. He will be in the hospital for the next 30 days, then will get to go home for a few weeks, then will come back for another round of chemo. After that his doctors feel confident that he will be all better. So basically treatment for the next 60 days and then road to a full recovery. The doctor said that of all the types of leukemia this is the best one to have because the cure rate is really high. It will be a long few months but I know that God has a plan for Eric and will heal him. Eric's parents who live in Hong Kong flew in today so they are with him now. Chris and I will be back and forth to the hospital a lot I guess. I have been off the last 2 days so I could see him and will go back this weekend. We are just asking for prayers now.

Also Eric will be in need of platelets and we are asking all friends to donate platelets at the Northside Hospital donor center. His doctor said that even if Eric doesn't get them the supply is really low so someone who needs them will get them.
I will be posting more on Eric updates!!