Friday, October 31, 2008
Fall Festival at Cotton Indian
Halloween night was our fall festival at Cotton Indian. This year I talked Chris into going (a big accomplishment since he hates that kind of thing). Ava looked super cute and I think she had a good time people watching and being the center of attention all night. She was the cutest kangeroo there!!
Ava won the cake walk for Grandpa.
Ava and Aunt Katie ( Katie is wearing her bootcamp shirt which we finished on Thursday. By the way I lost a lot of inches and 7% body fat plus ran a mile in 10 minutes!!)
One of my favorite former students Dallas!! Great costume by the way. The whole familiy was decked out in the best costumes there!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Pumpkin Patch
Last year Aunt Lindsey and I started the tradition of going to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins. Of course Ava wasn't born yet but I still got her a pumpkin, the littlest pumpkin I could find. This year I thought it would be fun if Ava wore her Halloween costume just since wearing it 1 day isn't really fair since she looks so stinking cute in it. Unfortunately Ava didn't feel that well due to a runny nose and the sneezes but it was the day we had been planning to go and since time is running out we went ahead and went. The weather was nice a little warm for the kangaroo costume but we were not there that long so Ava was fine. We went into the pumpkin patch and found our pumpkins and Ava got her very own little pumpkin that she has been carrying around ever since.
This is what she wore under her costume. Uncle Grant said the black shoes were a little much for the outfit but they are so cute and they were my deal of the week so she wore them anyways!! What does Uncle Grant know about shoes anyways??
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Weekend with Nana and Grandpa
Ava spent her first night Friday night with Nana and Grandpa. It was actually the first night she has spent there. I'm not really sure why, but everytime she was going to stay something came up (like Nana losing an organ). Luckily this weekend was a success!! I'm not sure but i think she had a great time ( the last picture gives that away). Apparently Grandpa lets Ava eat suckers before she goes to bed.... I guess that is what grandparents are for!! Cousin Claudia was also visiting so her and Ava had a big time. Saturday they went to the fall festival at Heritage Park.
Ava with her new Harley Bear sitting in high chair!!
Ava and Nana at the festival
This is a really cute picture but I can't figure out how to rotate it so tilt your head.
Grandpa sugaring Ava up before bed. I say what happens at Nana and Grandpa's stays at Nana and Grandpa's!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
The Painting
Ava's painting is done and it is AWESOME!!! The art teacher at Cotton Indian Margaret Holcombe did this fabulous portrait of Ava from a snapshot of her sitting on the floor in our living room. I had a hard time taking a picture that I really liked so I wasn't sure how the painting would turn out but I think she did an awesome job. It really captures Ava's personality and looks so life like. I have to wait about a month before I can frame it so it is sitting in a box top on the table. I am not sure where to hang it yet, but I have several ideas. I am so excited at the way it turned out that I already want another one!! Chris thinks we should get one of Barley too. It would be cute if we can get a good picture of Ava and Barley...... we will see I guess.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Bar Bar and teeth
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Family Reunion
We got together this weekend at Mom and Dad's with Mom's side of the family for our 2nd annual get-together. Unfortunately i didn't take but a few pictures. It was a lot of fun seeing the family and catching up on what is happening in everyone's lives.
Happy Birthday Nana!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
The Weekend
We had a pretty uneventful weekend. Saturday we got out and did some errands and then spent the rest of the afternoon sitting at the house. One of my favorite students Dallas from my class last year gave Ava some really cute Halloween outfits. Here are a few pictures from Sunday of Ava in her Halloween attire. She has a lot of cute Halloween outfits to wear this month.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Chili Cookoff at Stone Mountain
Okay I am a little behind, but it was a busy week. Here are a few pictures from last weekend at Stone Mountain at the Chili Cookoff. It was a beautiful day and Ava really enjoyed being outside. She had a good time but it started to cut into her nap time and she wanted to just rest in her stroller. She represented the Bulldogs well in her red and black even though they lost :(
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