Cousins: Ava, Hannah, and James
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Family Pictures
For Nana and Grandpa's Christmas we all got together to get some pictures of Chris and his brothers and all the cousins together. Here are a few of the good ones. It was very hard getting 3 babies to all smile at the same time but we got a few good ones.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
New blog background
Less than a month until Ava's 1st Birthday. We will have a birthday background until the big day!!
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
Christmas Eve is spent at my mom and dad's house. All the boys come over and we do our gifts and partying Christmas Eve night.

Mom thought it would be funny if all the boys wore antlers. I guess Eric really liked his. Ava has no idea what is going on with her crazy uncles.
Monday, December 22, 2008
3rd Grade Tacky shirts!!
As posted earlier my 3rd grade team made tacky sweatshirts. Tacky being the key word. Many people thought they were really cute and they were, but they were made to be tacky and funny. Here we are on Friday before the break wearing our one of a kind sweatshirts. We also have on Christmas earrings that were out of control!!

Christmas at The Hiett's
Sunday we had Christmas with the Hiett's. Everyone was there and it was a house full. It was so great to see everyone. Ava really got some neat gifts. A snow globe from Uncle Barry, Aunt Cheryl, Nicole, and Bradley; bath toys from Uncle Stacy, Aunt Angie, Lauren, Ashley,and Tiffany; An Elmo book from Uncle Lanny, Aunt Sherrie, Jake, and Lana; and a ballerina doll and gold bracelet from Grandmommy and Granddaddy. It was a lot of fun and Ava loved all the excitement and people watching.

Uncle Steve's Christmas dinner at Bone's
We had our annual Christmas dinner with Uncle Steve Saturday night at Bone's. As usual it was delicious and we all were stuffed. I have attended Uncle Steve's Christmas dinner for probably the last 6 or 7 years and I thought this was one of the best. The appetizers were out of this world. We had a seafood platter with lobster, crab, and shrimp, onion rings, some sort of mash potato puffs that were fried, and my favorite fried green tomatoes. Not to mention the main course of fillet minion and creme brulee for dessert. Chris doesn't really eat dessert so we took his creme brulee home and I had it for breakfast the next morning. Yum Yum!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Ava's 1st Christmas present
Thanks Dallas!!! You Rock!!
Ava received her very first Christmas present today from her best friend in 4th grade Dallas. Dallas is one of my favorite students and is always so kind and sweet to think of both me and Ava. Ava loved opening up her present. She tore one little piece of wrapping paper at a time. she also liked to try to eat the paper. Not only did she love unwrapping her present, but she loved playing with her present. It was a super cute rolling telephone with moving eyes and a dial that makes noise. It was almost as awesome has the present Dallas gave me: Bootcamp Barbie!!! Dallas knows that I love Barbies and the Bootcamp Barbie is AWESOME!!! For those of you who don't know I completed a fitness bootcamp in October. It nearly kicked my tail but I did it. It was really hard but I finished it and have been eating healthier and working out ever since.
Just a note to all of you getting me Christmas presents Bootcamp Barbie is going to be pretty tough to beat!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Aunt Lindsey!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Merry Christmas Topher
Chris loves electronics and gadgets. Every year before Christmas he spends his Christmas money before he ever gets it. This year he decided he wanted a new TV. Did yall need a new TV you ask?? Well no, but with all the new technology out Chris was having a fit for a new one. The old TV Chris bought before we got married so it was 4 or 5 years old but it wasn't a flat screen so it had to go. There was absolutly nothing wrong with it but it has found a new home in the bedroom upstairs. Chris said when we get our new house ( which is looking like that may be never) it will be nice to have in our game room. We got the new TV and a stand to put it on and it makes the living room look much neater and organized. Even though I thought the purchase was pretty dumb the TV is really cool and big!! We do watch a lot of TV so we will get a lot of use out of it!! Here are some funny pictures of the boys putting it all together.

3rd Grade Team Building!!
If you don't already know I LOVE the girls I work with. We have the best team this year. Our work Christmas party this year was a tacky Christmas theme. We thought it would be cool if we all made our own tacky shirts. So last Saturday we met up at Christina's to paint our shirts. We had lunch and snacks then got busy on our shirts. Bring on the puff paint!!
Christmas Pictures
Aunt Lindsey and I took Ava to see Santa on Monday. When I first sat her in his lap she didn't look at him and was fine. She didn't smile, but she didn't cry. Then Santa thought it would make a nice picture if he looked at her and she looked at him. The picture was perfect and all was good. then she turned her head away from him and started crying. I went and picked her up and she held on to me like her life depended on it. It was really sort of funny to watch but not so funny to Ava. Santa was really nice and came and stood by the tree with us so we could get some pictures with my camera. I didn't have the good camera so the pictures Lindsey took are not great (Santa looks good, but my eyes are closed and Ava is trying grab the tree on my shirt).

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Game Day..... Go Dawgs!!
We were trying to get a good picture of Ava in her Christmas dress in front of the tree, but of course she wasn't in the mood. She did however like it when Uncle Mike held her in front of the tree, I guess Ava and Uncle Mike may be the Christmas card this year . We will try again another day.
It was a lovely Thanksgiving at the Sansbury's this year. We enjoyed great food and great company from family that we do not see nearly enough. I did not take very many pictures but here were a few I did take.
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